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Jodie L. Lutkenhaus, Ph.D.

William and Ruth Neely Faculty Fellow


Artie McFerrin Department of Chemical Engineering

Jodie L. Lutkenhaus is holder of the Axalta Chair in the Artie McFerrin Department of Chemical Engineering at Texas A&M University. Lutkenhaus received her B.S. in Chemical Engineering in 2002 from The University of Texas at Austin and her Ph.D in Chemical Engineering in 2007 from Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Current research areas include polyelectrolytes, redox-active polymers, energy storage, and composites. She has received recognitions including World Economic Forum Young Scientist, Kavli Fellow, NSF CAREER, AFOSR Young Investigator, and the 3M Non-tenured Faculty Award. She is the past-Chair of the AICHE Materials Engineering & Sciences Division. Lutkenhaus is the Deputy Editor of ACS Applied Polymer Materials and a member of the U.S. National Academies Board of Chemical Sciences & Technology.

Dr Lutkenhaus headshot.jpg

Contact Information

Room 218 Jack E. Brown Building

3122 TAMU

College Station, TX 77843-3122

jodie.lutkenhaus @ tamu . edu


Awards and Honors


  • The Academy of Medicine, Engineering & Science of Texas (TAMEST)  
    Edith and Peter O’Donnell Award  2022

  • Arthur K. Doolittle Award, ACS Division of Polymeric Materials: Sc. and Eng.    2021

  • Outstanding Early Career Paper Award, Molecular Systems Design & Engineering   2020

  • Kavli Fellow, Japanese-American-German Frontiers of Science   2017, 2019

  • World Economic Forum Young Scientist   2017- 2019

  • Presidential Impact Fellow   2018

  • Thiele Lectureship (University of Notre Dame)   2018

  • American Chemical Society WCC Rising Star Award   2018

  • Van Ness Award (RPI)   2016

  • William and Montine P. Head Fellow   2016

  • The Academy of Medicine, Engineering and Science of Texas Protégé   2016 

  • World Technology Finalist (Energy)   2015

  • George Armistead, Jr. ’23 Faculty Excellence Teaching Award   2015, 2014 

  • TEES Select Young Faculty   2015, 2013 

  • Montague-CTE Scholar   2014

  • Kaneka Junior Faculty Award   2014

  • 3M Non-Tenured Faculty Award   2014

  • ACS PMSE Young Investigator   2014

  • AFOSR YIP   2013

  • NSF CAREER   2011

  • ACS PRF Doctoral New Investigator   2011

2002 - 2007

Massachusetts Institute of Technology 

Ph.D., Chemical Engineering


1998 - 2002

University of Texas at Austin

B.S., Chemical Engineering Research


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